Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Bloom's Taxonomy Question and Answers

Amy Taylor

Blooms Taxonomy Question and Answers


What happened alter Bigger killed the Rat in the beginning of the store?

After Bigger tormented his sister with the rat, it caused her to pass out. Bigger's mother got extremely angry at Bigger and told him she didn’t even know why she birthed him. So even though Bigger was the hero and saved the family from the rat he was not rewarded in the end.


What do you think could have happened alter the alarm clock rang?

Bigger and his family could have woken up and ate a wonderful breakfast together. Bigger would have gone to school with Gus and Jack and G.H. After they were done school Bigger would have gone to his job at the department store to help provide or his family and their three-room apartment. They would have lived happily ever alter. Sike…


What factors would you change if you were writing the story Native Son?

Factors I would change if I had written Native Son would be Bigger's dreams and opportunity. I would give him more opportunity to become a pilot but I would throw some distractions in the way so he would really have to decide if he wants to pursue a pilot career or stay and work for his family.


What do you see as other possible outcomes?

Mrs. Dalton could have known Bigger was in the room with Mary and he could have also killed her which would have left him in a situation where he could not just hide what he had done he would have to run and Start a new life.


If I worked for the Dalton's and they supported me through night school, I would try to pursue being a pilot. With the help of the Dalton’s sponsoring me I might have more of a chance to actually making it in pilot school.


How would you have handled being Bigger's mother and finding out that Bigger had killed a white girl?

If I were Bigger's mother I would get him out of my house. Send him away somewhere. The rest of my children and I cant get caught up in a white girl’s murder. If I were questioned I would probably say that I didn’t know what Bigger did or where he went but he’s not in my house anymore

Monday, March 3, 2008

News Article

Chicago Times - February 12, 1937
Local Announcements

Tying the knot!

Mary Dalton, daughter to the millionaire real estate Mogul Mr. Dalton is tying the knot on Sunday with Communist supporter Jan Erlone. There has been major controversy over the engagement due to Mr. Erlone’s connection with the Communist Party and some think that the marriage is just a way for Erlone to get financial and social backing for the Communist Party. Despite the criticisms the couple has been subject to, the wedding will go on and the couple looks more in love than ever.