Friday, June 6, 2008

Mississippi Flight Revised

Do you know what its like to fly from one end of the Mississippi river to the other? Well I do and let me tell you, it is not easy. That river is log, deep, and there are hunters everywhere. Here’s a little about my flight over the Mississippi river.
I’ll start off by saying that it is really long. The river stretches all the way from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. It twists and turns the whole way down. And did I mention how deep it is. At one place you could be swimming in inches, go half a mile down the bank and you’re in fathoms. It’s dangerous too. There are all kinds of bears and foxes. If you don’t watch out they’ll get you! One day I couldn’t even land because the bars were out and the forest was so dense that I got so tired flying over it all and flew right into a swamp.
One thing that amazed me was all the people there were on the river. There were black men, white men, and even Indians. They were mostly farmers and fisherman. And believe me when I say there were hunters. It was hard to stay away form them. I got shot at over 10 times. Some of those people do some pretty weird things. This one time I flew over this huge mansion with a ton of slaves working in the fields, but there was this one slave that had a whole bunch of people standing around him. He was a weirdo throwing a ball of hair in the air saying it was talking to him.
There were a lot of boats on the water too. There were skiffs, canoes, steamboats, regular boats, and a bunch of other boats. I tried to land on them whenever I could but the people always shoed me away. It would have saved me a lot of flapping if I could have just taken a ferry.
Over all it was an ok trip. I was shot at by hunters, couldn’t get food because of bears, saw something’s I don’t ever want to see again, and was super tired. One thing I know for sure, if I ever do that again I am going to take one of those metal birds to get there.

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